Pun’s Labyrinth – THIS SATURDAY, Sept. 22nd

Custom Tournament Discs
Artwork Designed by Cupcake
Pun’s Labyrinth is this Saturday! Get ready for a full day of disc golf, food, fun and prizes!
As this is our First PDGA Sanctioned Tournament we want everyone who can to join us! If you haven’t preregistered, please do so now as this will help us get everyone checked in quickly.
The tournament headquarters along with check in will be located at the Sports Chalet, which is located at the end of Buckeye Drive (first driveway to the left past the disc golf course marked with a number 3 on the Park Map) by the sled hill and tennis courts. We will also be meeting here between and after rounds for score calculation, side games, and prize distribution. If at all possible, we recommend car pooling from the chalet to the course parking lot as parking is limited there.
In case anyone hasn’t played the course (which you should have by now if you signed up!) “Pun’s Labyrinth” is more than just a cool name. If you have read some of our reviews on DGCourseReview.com, you will see that many people find the layout confusing as the course crosses itself a few times. Although it can be confusing the first few times you play through, it isn’t so bad once you get the hang of it! The layout actually makes use of the heavily wooded area off of Punderson State Park’s Pine Lake quite well with varied uphill, downhill, wooded and lake shots, with out-of-bounds marked on some.
Like in the story of Pan’s Labyrinth, you will be presented with many challenges within the winding, wooded course; however we won’t ask you to make any sacrifices. The course has seen a great many improvements in the last few weeks, and we hope everyone comes out to enjoy it!
Please be watchful of poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac; although the course has been cleaned up a lot in the past 6 months, poison ivy still exists in certain areas of the course. Besides wearing the appropriate clothing, we have found that Tecnu is one of the best products for prevention of outbreaks. In the springtime, Jack-in-the-Pulpit plants litter the wooded areas of the course – if you see red berry bunches on the ground at this time of year, these are their fruit, please avoid touching them as they are toxic!