Pun’s Labyrinth II – Tournament Info & Maps

Is everyone ready for Saturday?! Here is some information as well as Punderson State Park and the Camp Ground Maps:

Punderson State Park Map & Key Tournament Areas:   PII PARK MAP-1

Punderson Campground Map:  PII CAMP MAP-1

Camping Schedule (from Andy):

Campers, we have GROUP SITE #3. We are allowed up to 4 vehicles and up 25 people. I am told that “pop-ups” won’t fit, so be thinking tents. I do know that there are plenty of individual campsites available, if you choose to get your own site. I just ask that you let me know, so I can take you off my list. I WILL BE CHECKING IN TODAY.  An important note I forgot to mention. The camp site will be available after 3pm on Friday. I will have the 4 parking passes, so if you would like to park on site, you should meet with me before going all the way down to the campgrounds. I’d suggest near HQ, as we’ll be preparing there for the tourney and FLY MART.  For the people who will park onsite, you must contact me, as I will have the parking passes. 440-488-8476 I’ll be onsite, or nearby all day. All campers are permitted to drive to the site to unload/load your gear. Once done, all cars over the 4 permitted must park in the main parking lot, highlighted in yellow on the CAMP MAP.

Also, for your discing enjoyment, I am adding Sunday night to GROUP SITE#3 so you will NOT have to scramble around Sunday morning to get loaded and checked out before Round 3

I have GROUP SITE #4 reserved for Saturday night only, in case we have some last minute campers. This is Saturday night only, so you WILL need to be checked out by 1pm, which really means prior to Round 3 on Sunday. GROUP SITE#4 has NO ONSITE PARKING, so be forewarned.

You may need to stop at the check in station just so they know who you are and where you’re going.

The disc golf tournament is still a new thing to the park. They have become big supporters, so PLEASE treat the staff and other park users with the courtesy you would like to receive. Also, be aware that the Park Rangers and occasionally the Sheriffs patrol the park, so be good 😉 Tip- Don’t roll stop signs if you don’t want to be pulled over and scolded.

Our respectful behavior will help the relations grow into the future. Thanks for your cooperation.

If you have any questions or issues, give me a call and I’ll help you however I can. Travel Safely and see you out there!

Tournament Schedule:

Friday, July 26th – FLY MART -7:00pm – 9:00pm

Area disc golf leagues will be on hand with their gear to sell. So if you are looking for discs or any gear before the tournament, stop by and shop! This supports their leagues and courses so this is a great opportunity for us as well as you to support other local area disc golf groups. Want to meet your area club representatives? Want to find out how you can become part of the fun? Come on out! One night only.

Saturday, July 27th – TOURNAMENT DAY ONE

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM – Registration – YOU MUST CHECK IN

9:30 AM – 9:45 AM – Players Meeting

10:00 am – Tee Off Round 1

2:00-2:30 pm (Depending on when first round ends) – Tee Off Round 2

Note: Lunch is being offered, more details to come; We will have some mini games and first raffle prize drawing this day; Players party to be held at Zeppe’s also

Sunday, July 28th – TOURNAMENT DAY TWO

8:15 AM – 8:30 AM – Check In – PLEASE CHECK IN

8:30 AM – 8:45 AM – Players Meeting

9:00 am – Tee Off Round 1

2:00-2:30 pm (Depending on when first round ends) – Tee Off Round 2

Note: Second raffle prize drawing to be held this day along with final results

Tournament Format


Below is a Pun’s Labyrinth II Stamped Disc! We have glow and star plastic this year as well as minis!


Pun’s Labyrinth II and Other Updates

First, we apologize for the late update! We have been busy trying to manage keeping the course maintained and arranging for the white tee pads to be poured before Pun’s Labyrinth II.

Also, its been a while since I’ve personally been on Disc Golf Scene, but am super happy to see we now have an “A-” rating and 18th of all of Ohio, this is an amazing feat! Once the white tees are poured… and perhaps an island hole is added we can be closer to #1! Thank you to everyone who has supported the course and our events.

As far as a current league goes, we currently have a Glow League and a Doubles League running… we didn’t update this right away because the doubles league has been touch and go, considering other local tournaments and making sure someone who is able to run the league will be there. Regardless, someone will probably be at the course around 2:00pm on Saturdays to play, so please communicate with other players on this, if anything, go play and have a good time!

Puns Labyrinth II is going to be a blast! The two day tournament has been scheduled for July 27th and 28th, with FREE CAMPING at the park with pre-registration. We are also trying to organize a Fly Mart on Friday, July 26th before the tournament at the Sport’s Chalet for other local area clubs to come and sell their merchandise and promote their upcoming events as we are very grateful for all the help we have been given to get our course up and running. Also, Cupcake worked very hard to get some great raffle prizes this year and we will be drawing prizes Saturday night as opposed to at the end of the tournament. Prizes include disc golf items, outdoor equipment, camping gear, and Pun’s Labyrinth II merchandise. You will earn tickets for raffle items during the mini games which we hope to have a better handle on running this year so it goes smoothly. We would also like to thank DG Nomad, Dynamic Discs, and Upper Park Designs, and Play it Again Sports in Lyndhurst for sponsoring our course & this event. Although it is not completely set in stone, we are also looking to have a players party at Zeppe’s Tavern in Newbury Saturday afternoon with mini-putting contest for those who wish to join. We want everyone to have fun, but we want everyone to consider that we will be representing our local league and the sport of disc golf to the local area; we are very happy for Zeppe’s to have us and hope to continue to have their support.

PunsIIAbout the Pun’s Labyrinth II artwork – This year we wanted to maintain the theme with the spin on “Pan’s Labyrinth” as our course is winding and crosses over itself a few times. The fawn is featured coming out of a crescent moon overlooking the ‘labyrinth’ course with the lake and island. You can purchase gear in our Tournament Shop or at Disc Golf Den which is run by Cupcake who does graphic and apparel design on the side. This year we also have some glow in the dark shirts available with the logo as it was approved for printing this time around!

If you have any questions about the league, upcoming tournaments, or helping us to work on the course and get it in tip-top shape, please contact us through Disc Golf Scene or at PundersonDiscGolf(at)hotmail.com.

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