Punderson Disc Golf Summer 2016 Update

We are really excited about some progress at the disc golf course this year!

Glow League – Need we say more? We are bringing the glow league back this year! Make sure you mark your calendar and come out and glow! We have glow discs available – if you don’t have glow discs you can get some at this event. Cupcake also has some colored glow in the dark tape – so if you need some remind her before the glow! PLEASE make sure to have a small LED black light or Ultra Violet Light we DO NOT permit flashlights to be used during these rounds except for emergency purposes only.

Our first tournament is coming up on June 18th – the Red, White and Blue Marathon – three rounds back to back of alternating Red, White and Blue Tee layouts. This demanding tournament is a perfect way to get started up here at Punderson! Go ALL IN and play EVERY tee pad in a taxing one day tourney!

Pun’s Labyrinth V is our next event – July 23-24th – a two day PDGA C-Tier Sanctioned Tournament. This event sold out in February and there is currently a waiting list, which – yes, you have to pay in advance to be on. Refunds will be issued if you don’t make it in. However if you still want to contribute, this is our biggest event and our infamous prize raffle is open to anyone wanting to join us for this event! We are getting a lot of great donations this year including Dosh Board Golf – the First Disc Golf Board Game, and more recently Zuca Cart who will be providing us with a cart and this Special Offer for our players!


The last big event we will be having this year is the Pine Lake Open on September 18th – Two rounds from the blue tees this will be the big event to end the year! We are in the works of making this event PDGA Sanctioned also – so please watch Disc Golf Scene for updates.

Also, we are really pretty sure the bridge to the island will be installed this year… we know it has taken a while, but it may even be in play for the Pine Lake Open.

If anyone wants to volunteer to keep a hole maintained, or mow, PLEASE CONTACT US so we can get you your volunteer form submitted to the park! Bench sponsorships are also now being accepted, it is about $75.00 and some volunteer labor needed to put one in – please see Andy, Bob or Cupcake if you would like to contribute.

A New Event – The Pine Lake Open – September 26th, 2015

tg-Pine_Lake_Open_2015-1439648353-largeAt Punderson, we have done different things for fall tournaments. This year, we are not planning on having Nightmare on Pine Lake (if there is interest in Nightmare on Pine Lake, please let Cupcake know, that would be a mid-late October event), we are NOT having the WTF Open (which was last November in connection with a Friend’s of Punderson Benefit Dinner which is not going to happen this year either). So, what did we come up with? The Pine Lake Open

What is the Pine Lake Open? It is a tournament for players who like to challenge the Blues at Punderson. Two rounds, both from the Blue Tees. First round Blues to short baskets, second round Blues to long baskets.

We hope for a good turnout, even though this is a first-time event, as we are looking to make this an annual tournament. If you didn’t get to play in Pun’s Labyrinth, or did, and want another shot at defeating the course, this is it.

As this is a first year event, we do not have any “extras” planned at the moment, and more details will be coming soon.

Pun’s Labyrinth IV – Are you ready?

PunsCleanOur annual disc golf tournament is a just a few days away, and the course looks awesome thanks to our volunteers including Bob Becker, Andy Morrison, Eric ‘Sharky’ Boyd, John Luker, Travis Bailey, Paul Keller and everyone else who helped get the course ready for this event and keeping it groomed throughout the year! Paul Keller also donated garbage cans to the course which are helping to keep it much cleaner. Because the park is short staffed, we appreciate everyone who makes an effort to keep the course looking good, and right now it is looking awesome! Tall grasses were whacked, vines were torn down, and a lot of brush and pesky Hawthorne limbs removed! We can’t thank everyone enough, including our regular player’s and fans, who support the course and our events throughout the year.

It paid off to register early and get on the wait list this year. So far somewhere around 10 players have made it into the event from the wait list. We expect to fill up again next year, so make a note if you didn’t get in this year to register early next year! However, if you didn’t make it into Pun’s Labyrinth this year, You are still welcome to stop up and visit us at the Sport’s Chalet for our epic prize raffle and browse our disc selection.

This year, we also have a new event, the Pine Lake Open that we will be hosting in September, on Saturday the 26th. This ALL BLUES, two round event will give you a great experience on the course and we hope to make this an annual fall event. So, if you didn’t make it into Pun’s, you may want to get in on the Pine Lake Open before it fills up too!

Some Reminders for Pun’s Labyrinth:

  • Currently, there is a chance of Morning Thunderstorms on Sunday
  • Course is mostly dry, with some muddy spots
  • We Recommend Bug Spray
  • Poison Ivy – Wear Appropriate Clothing or bring Wipes
  • Discs may NOT be retrieved from Pine Lake during play

To Group Campers / Camping in General:

  • Check-in is at 3pm Friday, if you get there early you may be okay setting up a little early if the site is not in use
  • There is a limit to the number of vehicles allowed to park on the site. Some may have to park in the main lot near the camp store
  • Only one tent is allowed per registrant
  • Quiet time is 10pm. If you are up late please be considerate of other campers
  • The site is reserved through Sunday night with check out at 1pm Monday, so you are not hurried to tear down before the round on Sunday
  • Punderson State Park Trail Map
  • Campground Map
  • Campground Rules

For camping questions call or text Bob Becker at 440-220-2573

Raffle Ticket Prices – Drawing will be Sunday:

$1.00 = 1 Ticket
$5.00 = 6 Tickets
$10.00 = 12 Tickets
$20.00 = 25 Tickets