Punderson Disc Golf Summer 2016 Update

We are really excited about some progress at the disc golf course this year!

Glow League – Need we say more? We are bringing the glow league back this year! Make sure you mark your calendar and come out and glow! We have glow discs available – if you don’t have glow discs you can get some at this event. Cupcake also has some colored glow in the dark tape – so if you need some remind her before the glow! PLEASE make sure to have a small LED black light or Ultra Violet Light we DO NOT permit flashlights to be used during these rounds except for emergency purposes only.

Our first tournament is coming up on June 18th – the Red, White and Blue Marathon – three rounds back to back of alternating Red, White and Blue Tee layouts. This demanding tournament is a perfect way to get started up here at Punderson! Go ALL IN and play EVERY tee pad in a taxing one day tourney!

Pun’s Labyrinth V is our next event – July 23-24th – a two day PDGA C-Tier Sanctioned Tournament. This event sold out in February and there is currently a waiting list, which – yes, you have to pay in advance to be on. Refunds will be issued if you don’t make it in. However if you still want to contribute, this is our biggest event and our infamous prize raffle is open to anyone wanting to join us for this event! We are getting a lot of great donations this year including Dosh Board Golf – the First Disc Golf Board Game, and more recently Zuca Cart who will be providing us with a cart and this Special Offer for our players!


The last big event we will be having this year is the Pine Lake Open on September 18th – Two rounds from the blue tees this will be the big event to end the year! We are in the works of making this event PDGA Sanctioned also – so please watch Disc Golf Scene for updates.

Also, we are really pretty sure the bridge to the island will be installed this year… we know it has taken a while, but it may even be in play for the Pine Lake Open.

If anyone wants to volunteer to keep a hole maintained, or mow, PLEASE CONTACT US so we can get you your volunteer form submitted to the park! Bench sponsorships are also now being accepted, it is about $75.00 and some volunteer labor needed to put one in – please see Andy, Bob or Cupcake if you would like to contribute.

Pun’s Labyrinth II and Other Updates

First, we apologize for the late update! We have been busy trying to manage keeping the course maintained and arranging for the white tee pads to be poured before Pun’s Labyrinth II.

Also, its been a while since I’ve personally been on Disc Golf Scene, but am super happy to see we now have an “A-” rating and 18th of all of Ohio, this is an amazing feat! Once the white tees are poured… and perhaps an island hole is added we can be closer to #1! Thank you to everyone who has supported the course and our events.

As far as a current league goes, we currently have a Glow League and a Doubles League running… we didn’t update this right away because the doubles league has been touch and go, considering other local tournaments and making sure someone who is able to run the league will be there. Regardless, someone will probably be at the course around 2:00pm on Saturdays to play, so please communicate with other players on this, if anything, go play and have a good time!

Puns Labyrinth II is going to be a blast! The two day tournament has been scheduled for July 27th and 28th, with FREE CAMPING at the park with pre-registration. We are also trying to organize a Fly Mart on Friday, July 26th before the tournament at the Sport’s Chalet for other local area clubs to come and sell their merchandise and promote their upcoming events as we are very grateful for all the help we have been given to get our course up and running. Also, Cupcake worked very hard to get some great raffle prizes this year and we will be drawing prizes Saturday night as opposed to at the end of the tournament. Prizes include disc golf items, outdoor equipment, camping gear, and Pun’s Labyrinth II merchandise. You will earn tickets for raffle items during the mini games which we hope to have a better handle on running this year so it goes smoothly. We would also like to thank DG Nomad, Dynamic Discs, and Upper Park Designs, and Play it Again Sports in Lyndhurst for sponsoring our course & this event. Although it is not completely set in stone, we are also looking to have a players party at Zeppe’s Tavern in Newbury Saturday afternoon with mini-putting contest for those who wish to join. We want everyone to have fun, but we want everyone to consider that we will be representing our local league and the sport of disc golf to the local area; we are very happy for Zeppe’s to have us and hope to continue to have their support.

PunsIIAbout the Pun’s Labyrinth II artwork – This year we wanted to maintain the theme with the spin on “Pan’s Labyrinth” as our course is winding and crosses over itself a few times. The fawn is featured coming out of a crescent moon overlooking the ‘labyrinth’ course with the lake and island. You can purchase gear in our Tournament Shop or at Disc Golf Den which is run by Cupcake who does graphic and apparel design on the side. This year we also have some glow in the dark shirts available with the logo as it was approved for printing this time around!

If you have any questions about the league, upcoming tournaments, or helping us to work on the course and get it in tip-top shape, please contact us through Disc Golf Scene or at PundersonDiscGolf(at)hotmail.com.