Pun’s Labyrinth V Disc Golf Tournament – Punderson State Park

We are getting ready for Pun’s Labyrinth V July 23 & 24th this year located in beautiful Punderson State Park in Newbury, OH! The course has been kept up by our very dedicated volunteers as the park staff has only been doing some minimal mowing and right now looks its best ever! Although our course is in a State Park, that doesn’t mean that the park maintains the course. Currently the Friends of Punderson are responsible for the upkeep, maintenance and running our events.


The Island is in, however the island basket WILL NOT BE IN PLAY for the tournament. We look forward to it being an addition to our weekly leagues and maybe some other events however right now it is not “tournament ready”.

This year we will also have another epic prize raffle! Please bring CASH as we may not be able to take credit cards the day of the event. ANYONE is allowed to participate in the prize raffle as it is a fundraiser for our course/events. If you cannot stay for the prize raffle, you will have to tell Cupcake directly who you are trusting to collect your winnings for you, otherwise we will draw another winner. We cannot afford to ship prizes to winners. All proceeds from the raffle go back into the disc golf course and future events! It is the best time to make a donation to Punderson’s Disc Golf Course. Please visit Disc Golf Scene for all of our wonderful prizes this year including a Zuca, Inc. Cart (formerly Ridge Roller donated by Zuca), a Dosh Board Golf Game (disc golf board game donated by Dosh Board Golf), Lake Erie Monsters tickets for the 2016-2017 season, Lake County Captains Tickets, tickets to the Improv Comedy Club, a large Discatcher Sport portable basket and a Discatcher Mini Basket along with a ton of other great items this year!

Here is the current Itinerary (one will be in the player’s pack as well):


We are expecting some very HOT weather, with current temps predicted to be in the mid 90’s – please make sure to bring everything you need to stay cool and hydrated! We will try to provide some water out on the course as well.


The Island Bridge is Finally In

One of the most prominent features of Punderson’s disc golf is Pine Lake. This scenic, peaceful lake serves as a major water hazard for the disc golf course and has claimed many discs. Regardless of the hazard, the island in the middle of Pine Lake has tempted us since the course was installed to put in an island basket – something most courses don’t have. The only problem was finding a way to get out there. On Sunday, June 26th, after years of planning and struggling with one obstacle after another, a floating bridge was installed:



The Friends of Punderson could not have done this without the help of the Ohio State Park system, after locating and allowing us to refurbish old floating docks and giving us the go ahead with the project. Although we had the docks, trying to maintain the course, run our events and take on the bridge project was overwhelming. It took the ambitions of Paul Keller, John Luker and Travis Bailey to get this project moving – working to re-construct the floats, repair, and stain them. That isn’t to say that there weren’t others that helped, we are just thankful they were able to head the project while others kept the course alive.


The first throws out during our “First Official Round with the Island in Play” were exhilarating and rewarding. Above, Eric “Sharky’ Boyd takes his shot. The added basket is not currently considered a “long” basket on Hole #2 but will be considered an “alternate” or “B” basket location. This will make shooting from the Reds a Par 4.

The bridge is not located by the original basket for Hole #2 as many thought it would be – it was in fact installed just past the brush behind the basket eliminating any awkwardness in play by people walking back from the bridge while another group (who maybe can’t see them) are playing up behind them.


A putt on the island by Andy Morrison (below) – making the first official “Birdie” on the island – it is still very rough and a lot still needs to be cleared and mowed, but with the bridge installed it will now be easier to maintain. Although it was cleared a few years ago for the basket to be installed, the brush grows back quickly with no regular maintenance and this is why our volunteers have been so crucial to keep the course playable as park labor is limited.


We would like to thank EVERYONE who helped make this project possible. Without the hard work and dedication of our volunteers this project would have never been completed. More pictures are available on the Punderson Disc Golf Facebook Page.

Scott Stokely Disc Golf Clinic – September 15th, 2015

Scott Stokely is a professional disc golfer who has traveled the world, and is doing clinics all over the U.S. with a focus on working with those with special needs to learn the sport as part of his goal to help everyone learn the sport of Disc Golf. On Tuesday, September 15th, he will be at Punderson State Park’s Disc Golf Course at 3:30pm to work with those with special needs. A general disc golf clinic will begin at 4:30, followed by a random draw scrambles for $12.00, with payout in Fly High Discs, Scott’s own disc line.

The clinics are FREE and we hope to see you there! Punderson’s disc golf course is located at the first right IMMEDIATELY after entering the park.


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