Pun’s Labyrinth 3 – AM C-Tier PDGA Sanctioned Tournament
Pun’s Labyrinth 3 has been scheduled for July 26th -27th, 2014. We are continuing with the two-day tournament which will include FREE camping for anyone who confirms they wish to camp at the time of registration. There are also discounted room rates available for registered players, please contact Kathy (Cupcake) for more information: kshue(at)cebridge.net
AM C-Tier Event – Field Limited to 72 players
Where: Punderson State Park, Newbury, Ohio
When: July 26th & 27th
Registration: 8:30 to 9:30am
(You must check in both days, even if you have pre registered)
Tournament Headquarters – Punderson Sports Chalet
Saturday, 2 rounds of 18 holes
Sunday, 1 round of 18 holes
This is Pre-Pay only, Pre-registration can be done online at:
or in person to a club officer via cash
We will be throwing a round of Glow Golf on Friday night for those interested
All registered players are eligible to participate in free camping at our reserved group campsites (limit 24 people each) To take part in the free camping, you MUST notify us at chainwrecker@gmail.com
of your intent to camp, so we can make sure there is enough room.
We cannot guaranty campsite availability if no notice or very late notice is given.
ADD $10 to registration fees for Non-PDGA members or Non-Current PDGA members
We will also be having another great raffle so don’t miss out!
Check out: www.discgolfscene.com or www.pundersondiscgolf.com for more info
Questions? Contact Bob Becker at: chainwrecker@gmail.com